Congratulations, Monica and Amit!
Part of living a life of adventure is missing the goodness of home—a lesson that has come mostly in isolated droplets over the last sixth months, but overwhelmed with a deluge on Saturday when my sister got married and I was docked in Tahiti.
My sister is awesome and has many accomplishments to celebrate this year: finishing her residency, getting a job as a doctor, hostessing a fabulous multicultural wedding extravaganza, traveling to Amsterdam, Paris, and Italy (and giving me serious travel envy).
Though missing the big day threw me into something of an emotional tailspin this last week, I was grateful that my brother was willing to video chat and squire me via his iPhone through one of the pre-wedding gatherings, and nothing makes me happier than knowing that my friends and family are being together and loving life.
Dominic and I used the joyous occasion to make one last run to the grocery store and cruise from Tahiti to Moorea. Conditions were calm, and we motored for about two and half hours to Cook’s Bay. We sailed in sunshine, landed as the clouds started to drizzle, and loved having the opportunity to open a bottle of bubbly I brought from California to mark the occasion.
I adore my new brother-in-law, Amit, and couldn’t imagine a sunnier energy to bring into our family. I look forward to growing old together, and plan to force you both to recite your wedding vows when next we meet.
I am so sad I missed the big day, but I figure if the worst thing in life is too much love to celebrate and too many islands to visit, things really aren’t too drizzly after all.