The View from Reservoir Road


It's the same on land as it is at sea—time moves at a breathless pace. What madness it is, to be already March! A year ago we were heading north from the Milford Sound, poised for six weeks of boat work blitz followed by a ten day sail to Fiji.

And now...things are a little less exciting but lovely in their own way. We have spent the better part of the last month in Weaverville, oggling the clouds as they wander in and out of the valley, rainbows in their wake.


We have both been getting our oars in the water, work wise. I have a few writing gigs lined up, a few blog posts that might have a second round of publication in Cruising World, and have already spent a few days subbing at the school in town. Dominic is setting up meetings and interviews, and we have had a few fantastic evenings in San Fransisco at the ballet and eating fabulous meals with some of the people we have been missing over the last few years.

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