And Still it Storms

Well, I can’t say that my sun salutations yesterday were entirely successful. We had sustained rain and 25 knot winds for the duration of the day, and the anemometer started pushing 30 as we sat down to dinner. The conditions have actually been impressive: usually high winds push squalls through quickly and leave us with mostly sunny skies; or, alternately, we get rain clouds that stagnate overhead with no breeze to move them along. Not so this time around, we’ve been lucky enough to experience wind and rain…wind and rain for days.

But fear not, there are tidings of bright news on the horizon. The clouds have begun to lift, and we can see streaks of bright white in the sky. The wind is a mere 22 to 28 knots now, and the forecast for the weekend has begun to include hints of sunshine (this clearly being my yoga at work). We also hear our friends in Fiji are getting the brunt of this tropical depression we’re experiencing, a timely reminder that it could always be worse.

Plus, all this weather and boat downtime are giving me an excellent opportunity to explore our photos and reminisce about some of the more picturesque storms we’ve experienced. Shown above are the clouds in Nuku Hiva’s Anaho Bay. It was the first place (of many) we really loved in the South Pacific, and the one day storm we had featured spontaneous waterfall formation amid the crags and ended with a double rainbow.