Sun Salutations

It’s worked in the past—combining bright, blue sky’d blog posts and ample ashtanga sequences—to tempt the sun out from behind the clouds. So in good faith, enjoy this photo of our smiling faces from our sunny hike to the Belvedere in Moorea.

Our neighbors are paddle boarding in the rain and snorkeling between squalls. Dominic is assembling our drogue and fixing small things around the boat. I bottled my first batch of kombucha and started sprouting seeds for our next loaves of bread.

I insisted on a 30 minute beach excursion yesterday to remember the feel of tierra firma, or at least tierra sanda, beneath my feet. We met Junior, an eight year old with gargantuan puppy feet, who seemed to have won control of the beach from a posse of his five year old brothers and cousins. He didn’t know the names of the trees, but could identify which ones were poisonous. Staying in his good standing seemed critical if we didn’t want our dinghy turned in to the newest jungle gym in the village.

We returned to Helios, and our friends from Arbutus and Il Sogno joined us for sun downers (cloud darkeners?) and the passing of the evening hours.

These aren’t the flashy days that make it on post cards, but they’re cozy and calm, providing plenty of opportunities to practice gratitude.

I suppose that’ll be my intention—gratitude—as I head to the mat, practice double-dipping my chaturangas, and see just how long I can hold this navasana.